Search bar not functioning at all

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by toneeedotcom toneeedotcom 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    We are using our website so that people can search for custom posts using a taxonomy called “rooms” (which are really venues). Currently, the search bar stopped working when I upgraded to the most recent version. A test page of using the new bar is here: and aside the fact that the color may be blocking the icons, it is not searching anything.

    Ultimately, we would like the search results to show up in a isotopic layout with maybe the first 12 listings with pagination, pushing down the contents of the page just under the bar. We want the listings to look like your current isotopic grid layout or something like the layout of this page:

    Also, it would be nice to know how to manipulate the sorting of the search results, so that preferred venues are listed first. Or, we would like to sort by venue category, but that’s least important. At the very least, we want the search function to display results based on relevancy, with the custom post (rooms) title being most important (thus listed first), the “room settings > services” being second most important, the post category being third and the contents of the post being least important. I circled the areas of the custom type in the attached. Is that type of sorting possible?


    P.S. By the way, the file attachment, WordPress user and FTP credentials are all removed if your support ticket form returns an error such as “your title needs a topic”.

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    When updating, did you follow the steps for safe update in the documentation?
    It might help you.

    1. All you need to do is select the isotopic layout, and set the search results position to blocking.

    2. There is a submenu called “Priorities”. I think that’s what you are looking for. More info in the documentation:

    Thanks for noting that issue, will look into that.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Yes, I did in fact follow the instructions listed in your documentation. We never turned caching on in the first place, but pressed save anyway.

    1. and 2.) We can’t view adjustments to the search bar until we get it to render search results from the “rooms” custom taxonomy. 🙁

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko

    Hi again!

    First of all check if fulltext search is not activated. If you go to the Fulltext Search Options submenu you can check if it’s indeed deactivated:
    Even if so, save the settings, just in case. In fulltext mode the adjustable relevance is ignored, because fulltext search database uses internal relevance values.

    After that, you should adjust the Relevance Values. You can read more about them in the documentation:

    Basically you want to decrease the terms weight, increase the title weight, and decrease the content weight.

    Try values like:
    Title weight: 10
    Content weight: 5
    Terms weight: 2 (or 1)

    These should increase title relevancy, and decrease content and terms relevancy by a bigger factor.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)


    Unfortunately, your reply is not relevant, because it’s not returning search results at all in the first place. Nonetheless, I did as you instructed and nothing has changed.

    Can you please use the WordPress and FTP login information I provided and take a look? We are a bit embarrassed because the bar isn’t functioning at all on our live site. 🙁


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