Search Doesn't Work half the Time

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 3 years, 7 months ago.

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    The search bar sometimes works and sometimes does not. We could not figure out when/why it works sometimes. Basically, sometimes it shows the Ajax results, and othertimes it does not. Even more, if it does not show the results, sometimes when you hit the search button it just redirects back to the homepage and not the search results page.

    Also, while I’m here, I was wondering if there is any solution/way for misspelled searches to show certain posts. For instance, if I search for a post and have a misspelled word in it.

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Thanks for the details. I tried to test, reloaded the page a couple of times, but all worked okay on my end. From the video, it looks like as if the search script was either not loaded, or interrupted by an error. I fired up the javascript console, and there are indeed errors reported from 3rd party script files:

    I strongly recommend resolving these, it is very likely that the issues interrupt the script loading, depending on the client timing.
    If the issue was related to the plugin, it should be possible to replicate 100% of the time, as the script does not change. I am also noticing the cloudflare rocket loader activated, that can also mess up the loading times if there are script errors.

    Once you resolved the reported issues, make sure to clear all layers of cache, page, CDN, assets, browser. That should resolve the issue.

    Ernest Marcinko

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