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search results help

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  • #8631
    Aaron HealeyAaron Healey


    Got a question if you go here your see i have the Shows on the Right in the content area: – now when i do a search how do i setup a ajax feature where those items change on the right to the relevant ones inside the “Category checkbox” that the customers choose? using same style as i have there already.


    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Hi Aaron,

    Unfortunately that is not possible like that. The plugin cannot affect the items on that page, they are printed via the active theme.

    The closest you can get is if you put the results shortcode to the right side of the page instead of the elements, and perhaps use the isotopic layout. If you need items to be displayed by default, you can enable the auto populate feature as well.

    Aaron HealeyAaron Healey

    Hi Ernest,

    I will give this a go and see what Happens.


    Aaron HealeyAaron Healey

    Hi Ernest, i am doing it so Filters by Custom Post Type: Events, and all of those categories are checked by default is there a way to only have 1 checked on page load?


    Ernest MarcinkoErnest Marcinko

    Hi Aaron,

    Yes it is possible. The default state of the custom post type selectors is determined whether they are choosen on the General Options -> Sources panel.
    For example, if you turn off the “Search in Posts” option on the General Options -> Sources panel and choose to display the “Search in posts” filter on the Frontend Search settings -> Custom post types panel, it will be unchecked by default.

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