
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 7 years ago.

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  • #13895

    Hi there,

    in my search statistics i see also broken up words. I see for instance for the word LEENAUTO als LE and LEE and LEEN and LEENA etc.

    is there a way to solve this. It misleads the statistics?


    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    It’s very likely due to 2 reasons:
    – Sometimes people type slower, and the results are displayed between the keystrokes, which means the phrase yielded results, so it’s statistically relevant.
    – The input is noted whenever the ajax request is sent, and not in a separate process after the search is over – this is a known issue, which will be fixed in the upcoming release.

    After the upcoming update is released, you should start seeing more ‘whole’ phrases instead of partial ones.

    Ernest Marcinko

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