AJAX Search yield console error on input

Home Forums Product Support Forums Ajax Search Pro for WordPress Support AJAX Search yield console error on input

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Tutch Tutch 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #4328

    Hi there,

    We have recently updated the Ajax Search Pro plugin to version 4 (via the Envato marketplace). After doing so the search form (located here: http://rapidataservices.tutchhq.co.uk/resources/) no longer functions. Upon text insertion, Chrome Dev Tools yields an error:

    jquery.ajaxsearchpro-noui-isotope.min.js?ver=4.1.1:76 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘1’ of nulljquery.ajaxsearchpro-noui-isotope.min.js?ver=4.1.1:76 (anonymous function)jquery.ajaxsearchpro-noui-isotope.min.js?ver=4.1.1:2 m.Callbacks.jjquery.ajaxsearchpro-noui-isotope.min.js?ver=4.1.1:2 m.Callbacks.k.fireWithjquery.ajaxsearchpro-noui-isotope.min.js?ver=4.1.1:2 xjquery.ajaxsearchpro-noui-isotope.min.js?ver=4.1.1:2 m.ajaxTransport.send.b

    As a result of the error no results are returned. We have attempted to (temporarily) disable other plugins to see if this is now a conflict issue but it does not appear to resolve the problem.

    Please can you advise, thanks in advance for your help.

    Kind regards,

    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    Thank you for the detailed description and the login details. The plugin needed a re-activation, now it should work as before 😉

    When you are updating via codecanyon, please always do follow the safe update steps. You can find them in the documentation (first chapter) or in the knowledge base here: https://wp-dreams.com/knowledge-base/updating-from-older-versions/

    An auto updater will be released with the upcoming version, after proper testing. After that, hopefully these steps will be unnecessary.

    Sorry about the inconvenience.

    Ernest Marcinko

    If you like my products, don't forget to rate them on codecanyon :)



    Thanks for the prompt response! Everything seems to be working fine now.

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