Categories not working properly in Search

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Ernest Marcinko Ernest Marcinko 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    Installing Ajax Search Pro on client’s website and had two issues:

    1) When I edit the “grouping” option, I select all the categories for their job postings that they want to include. But when I type it into the search bar, the only category that shows up is “Investment Banking/Corporate Development” while all the rest show up under “Other”. I check the posted jobs and there are other categories assigned. I have attached an image of what I am talking about. So far I have not seen anyone else have this problem so I have not been able to troubleshoot it.

    2) I added this code snippet to my functions php file: But the page still shows “Search Results” at the top.

    I know that you would probably like to login to see what I am talking about, but since it is my client’s site, I don’t know how I feel about giving their login information out. But it we cannot solve this without it, I will pass along the login.

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    Ernest Marcinko
    Ernest Marcinko


    1. I will definitely have to look at this one via the back-end, as I am not able to replicate the issue on my test servers unfortunately.
    Does anything change if you choose the Use all from {taxonomy} option there?

    2. Do you mean the results page title? That code is to change the live result titles to append the category/taxonomy term names to them. The page title is a theme related feature, the plugin cannot affect that. You will have to change that somewhere on the theme options, or via custom code, it depends on the theme I guess.

    Ernest Marcinko

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