Ajax Search Pro for WordPress 4.12 Developer notes

Ernest Marcinko Blog, Commercial Plugins, Wordpress Leave a Comment

New features Priority groups This is a long awaited feature, which allows prioritizing results based on category (taxonomy term) and custom field rules. This feature can be found under the existing Priorities menu. It allows creating rule groups, where rules can be defined – based on post meta or by taxonomy terms. When is this feature useful? When certain posts …

Ajax Search Pro for WordPress 4.11.10 Developer Notes

Ernest Marcinko Blog, Commercial Plugins, Developer Notes, Wordpress Leave a Comment

New Features Content Type Filter This a long awaited feature, that allows filtering results by content type. Since the plugin supports searching custom post types, taxonomy terms, users, attachments and buddypress content at the same time, this filter can help users to further narrow the results by these content types. The new options are available under the Fronten Search Settings …

Ajax Search Pro for WordPress – version 3.5 features and changes

Ernest Marcinko Blog 2 Comments

In case you don’t know what Ajax Search Pro for WordPress plugin is about, then check it out on codecanyon or the demo page. You will love it. This version had take much longer to release than I expected, but it’s worth it 😉 New features Creating various fields (radio buttons, range sliders, dropdowns) connected with custom fields (post meta) …

Changes in WordPress 3.9 you should know about

Ernest Marcinko Blog 1 Comment

Widgets One of the nicest changes are widget customizability. I’m still missing conditional tags like: don’t show the widget on certain pages and similar. It’s still nice to see an update on the widget interface. Key changes: Live preview of the widget changes! – Honestly, the best change ever. Now we can all test the changes on the production environment! …